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Our Story


Our Story


"Please sign in at the podium..."

Kristen and I met in Air Force Tech School on 18 August 2009 in San Antonio, TX.  
From the very first moment we met, I thoroughly impressed her with my abilities to show up early and take command of a chaotic situation.  Additionally, as her superior officer, I promptly instructed her on the Air Force attendance regulations and signature protocol...needless to say, she was smitten!

From what I can remember, we then spent the next 3 months enjoying all of the great things that the Alamo City had to offer!  We enjoyed many nights on the River Walk, having intellectual conversations about time travel or sharing laughs with friends, while getting repeatedly insulted by a man named "Sweaty".  But like all great things in life, it soon came to end when Kristen had to travel back to Ohio to work in a large basket, and I had to move back to Charleston, SC in order to grab my boots, pack some bags, and ship off to an undisclosed location in Southwest Asia.

Fortunately, we continued to talk everyday whether over the phone or on Skype.  As our "friendship" continued to grow, I continued to play hard-to-get and Kristen became a bit impatient.  When I finally returned from my deployment, we decided to meet near D.C. for a Jimmy Buffett concert, since we hadn't seen each other in several months.  After a few pina coladas and coronas, we began to mingle with some other concert goers, and I was extremely excited and proud to introduce my  "friend" to some of of tailgating neighbors.  

Little would I know that calling someone a friend could be such a horrible thing to say...the "epic meltdown of 2010" quickly ensued, and long story short, I did what any smart man would have done...I wiped away her tears, bought my "new girlfriend" a Jimmy Buffett concert t-shirt, and have never looked back!


Best Friends

Best Friends

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He Proposed

He Proposed


She Said Yes

She Said Yes